Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to school

Ryan and Sierra headed off to school today. Ryan will be in 5th grade and believe it or not, Sierra is now a Junior in high school. I was thinking about how weird it was that Shane turns 37 today and I'm still sending kids off to school:) Some days I feel way too old for this, and other days I really appreciate the fact that these younger kids help to keep me on the ball and motivated.

I have to admit I wasn't quite ready for school to start yet. I've been gone so much this summer, I feel like I need a couple more weeks. Oh well, I had a great time visiting everyone and it was so fun to have some extra time with the grandkids, they are all so cute! It was so exciting to have 2 new grandchildren born this summer. Danica is a little doll and we're anxious to meet baby Joel.

I had another distention done on my right shoulder last Wednesday. I've seen a lot of improvement in my range of motion and am very encouraged!