Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi everyone, we're waiting for Tiff, Cody and Tea' to arrive. I thought I'd take a minute to update the blog and wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! I've been thinking alot about my blessings this week. I had quite a list going on in my mind, but at the top of the list was family. I'm so grateful that my mom is still so healthy and we live close by her. I appreciate the love and support I get from my brothers. I'm so blessed to have 10 wonderful children whom I love, appreciate, and admire so much. I still chuckle sometimes when I think back to when I was so young, with a house full of small children. It really is a wonder we all survived! We've had a lot of stuggles over the years, but we've grown closer as a family. Thank you for always being there for me, and good job picking such awesome mates. I love you all!

1 comment:

Cody Clayson said...

Love ya Mom! Happy Thanksgiving :)