Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2009 Family Reunion

Hi guys, thanks everyone for making the effort to come to our reunion this year. I thought it was a beautiful location. If you look really close you can see there was a double rainbow in this picture. I took this Wed. evening during the storm.

It was so fun having everyone together again. I can hardly believe there are already 32 of us and 2 more on the way! Sierra tried to set up a slide show so you could have all the pictures I took, but it's not working, we'll keep trying. These are just a few of the fun survivor shots I got. Thanks again for getting that together Casey and Shane, as always it was very fun.

Thanks again Tiffany for all your time and effort in putting this reunion together, and everyone for their help and support. The meals were delicious and I thought our last day clean up went smoothly. Tiff said she got our deposit back, so that's great.

I had the procedure done on my arm on July 8th. It went smoothly and my arm is moving better. I have to go to physical therapy each day and am pretty sore afterwards, but hopefully I'll get it back to normal again.

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