Monday, May 24, 2010

Catch up, Again!

Hi, here I am playing catch up again!
Mother's Day was very relaxing. Sierra and Ryan made me a great French toast breakfast. After church and a nap we went to Tina's and watched Avatar on her big screen. Loved it! Thanks again for all the great cards you guys. I can tell you spent a long time getting just the perfect one. They cover the top of my piano and I laugh, smile, or get a little teary eyed as I re-read them. Love you all! That includes my son and daughter in laws, who are all so amazing!!
Ryan had a couple of camp outs over the last few weeks. He was admiring the new knife Shane gave him for Christmas. Apparently his old one didn't snap back as fast as this new one. Luckily, my scout was the only one prepared enough to have a first aid kit in his pack! When I saw the size of his bandage, I expected to see the top of his thumb missing!? Thankfully he just sliced the top and although it bled quite a bit, it's healed nicely. The next week he came back from a Scout overnighter with singed hair, something about the fire jumping up at him. hmmm
Tomorrow is my last day of Pre-school. It has been a fun and busy year. We will have our Pre-school Graduation tomorrow night. We made long beards in class and the kids have been practicing the song Daddy's Whiskers, the cows eat them for hay. Remember that song? So cute!
This Wednesday is Sierra and Ryan's last day of school! Ryan had his awards assembly today. He received an award for Honor Roll and for acheiving his A.R. goal. He's nervous but, excited to go to middle school next year.
We all look forward to summer vacation, that is if the weather will just warm up. It snowed for about an hour on Saturday!! Sierra is lucky to have her job at McDonalds this summer. Tanae plans to stay in Rexburg and work there this summer at Bajios. She called from Salt Lake tonight and will spend a few days with us, so we'll post pictures next week and fill you in on her Mexico trip.

1 comment:

brock clayson said...

Hey Ryan, all that blood makes you look at least thirteen. You'll have to bring that picture with you next time we ride go carts, and you can use it like an ID.
Mom, you'll have to tell me the words to that song. I don't think I've ever heard it before.