Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hey everyone! Mom asked me to catch up on the blog for her so here are some pics of Sierra's birthday. Thanks for everyone who called and sent her a gift! It was a good day:)
She loved her painting Cody!

Mom made her a scrapbook of her play in Aida.

I can't put all of my pictures up, but here are a few from my tour in Central America! I went to Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize and it was amazing! I loved every minute of it! Even though I was never allowed to flush my toilet paper, or brush my teeth in the sink water, and even with the cockroaches and crazy humidity; I loved it! I got to do and see some pretty amazing things that I never thought I would ever be able to do.

A museum showing Mexico's history through paintings.
The Mexico City temple.
Cactus garden in Mexco. It was a windy day!
In the garden was a legendary tree that gives you energy if you hug it!
Monte Alban, the same ruins that Jack Black went to at the end of Nacho Libre!
shhh.... "secret tunnels..."
These big heads are everywhere !

The howler monkey is the 2nd loudest animal in the world! In this video they were miles off but it sounded like they were right next to us. It's amazing that such a small animal can make such a big sound! I dont have it recorded in this video, but if you walk under the tree they are in they will break off branches and try to hit you...or go to the bathroom on you.
Just another day in the classroom.
We went boating through this huge canyon in Mexico.
My host familia! Ana, Miguelito, and April.
and Jessica!

Zip lining.
Volcano Pacaya, exploded 2 weeks after we climbed it.
Temple of the sun, "Where me become Gods!"
Made it to the top! It was really high... and really steep.
Said to be one of the oldest trees in the world.


Janine said...

Wow Tanae--your trip looks like it was amazing!

Cody Clayson said...

Totally.. i'm so jealous! awesome pictures.